What Is Included With A Sensory Room?

You’ve been researching sensory rooms or even just poking around our website, so you know that these spaces are built to inspire calmness and exploration in an array of settings. If you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably curious as to what exactly goes into a sensory room. What are the elements that actually make these rooms work the way that they do?

All around us we are presented with products and environments that affect our senses. Sensory rooms are designed to eliminate or reduce the more stressful ones, like car horns or bright lights, and incorporate the more accessible ones. In this way, each piece of multi-sensory equipment is intentionally placed there to target one of these specific sensory needs:

  • Visual
  • Olfactory
  • Tactile 
  • Auditory
  • Proprioception  

You may be more familiar with multi-sensory equipment than you expected. There are some so integrated into our everyday life that we may not even recognize them as therapeutic tools. Think of the fidget spinner for example. For a few years, those little contraptions were all the rage for grade school kids. In special needs classrooms, however, these were found to be helpful for students with ADHD. Stress balls are another great example. If you’ve ever squeezed one during a particularly trying day at work, you know how good it feels. Squeezing triggers your proprioceptive sense, which in turn detects pressure and even helps to regulate sensory processing. Calming music at your local yoga studio is designed to bring down your heart rate and help you relax.

At their core, sensory rooms include appropriate lighting, furniture, and a variety of multi-sensory equipment. The specific setup and equipment are customized so that they can be the most useful to the room’s unique visitors. A school will have different needs than a mental health outpatient center, and so on. We offer a range of products and configurations to meet these specialized needs. For example:

  • Interactive Projectors
  • Fibre Optics
  • Light Tables
  • Rockers
  • Gear Walls
  • Swings and more 


For a full list of our offerings and how they may support the needs of your clients, patients, or loved ones, contact us today. 

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